And we do you good
What is Mullo?
It is a 100% natural smart water that hydrates you intelligently thanks to the medicinal properties of extracts of herbs and fruits endemic to Chilean Patagonia.
We have 3 varieties Focus, Relax and Dreams
What does each one give you?
Mullo Focus, activates you and improves your concentration, continue:
Cherry, a fruit that helps you with memory, since it is rich in antioxidants.
Green tea, improves your mental agility.
Mint, helps improve your attention.
Mullo Relax, relaxes you and calms your anxiety, contains:
Orange, with its great contribution of vitamin C, helps level cortisol hormones, thus relieving stress.
Linden, relieves stress, nerves, relaxes muscles and reduces anxiety.
Murtilla, a fruit high in antioxidants and also gives the natural sweetness to Mullo Relax.
Mullo Dreams, fights insomnia, contains:
Melissa and lavender, which help you improve the quality of your sleep
Maqui, fruit with a great source of antioxidants.